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  • Readybath Bed Bath, Fragrance Free, 8PK

Readybath Bed Bath, Fragrance Free, 8PK

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SKU: MSC095309 Category:

These ReadyBath Bathing Cloths from Medline are pre-moistened and fragrance-free. Featuring a rinse-free formula that soothes, cleans, and moisturises the skin.

These durable but soft wipes provide users with a way to clean without the need for soaps, basins, lotions, or linens. They should be used at room temperature or can be slightly warmed for maximum patient comfort. They help to make patients feel fresh and clean and are packaged for quick and convenient use.

Readybath Bathing wipes come in a pack that contains 8 single-use cloths – one for each part of the body – reducing the risk of cross-contamination.

  1. Face, neck, and chest
  2. Right arm
  3. Left arm
  4. Perineum
  5. Right Leg
  6. Left Leg
  7. Back
  8. Buttocks