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  • Zephair High Care Alternating Air Mattress,

Zephair High Care Alternating Air Mattress,

The ability to provide comfort and compliance in a high-care setting is fully embraced by the Forté Zephair and expressed at an individualised level. The Zephair is a seamless display of modern support surface technology – through the uniquely formulated combination of Air and Foam, in a perfected ratio. In combination with a near-silent vibration free pump, the Zephair comfort experience is unparalleled, allowing for lower peak pressures, pain relief, minimal disturbance and resultantly a better sleep for the user. A stable surface is created using a firm foam foundation including the foam base and keyhole strengthened sides which dramatically increases the edge stability for transfers and other daily living tasks. The handcrafted, Premiflex Ultra cover is produced using the highest quality material made to Forté specification, meeting the demands and requirements of clinical counterparts Nationwide, including high levels of Cleaning agent resistance, longevity, and antimicrobial protection. The Super Shear inner cover alleviates internal rubbing and shear forces, directly on the skin and within the body’s soft tissues which are created by body repositioning or by a bed’s contour functions. The holistic care provided by the Zephair ensures the user has surety of support and pressure care.

SKU: ZA1 Category:

Single, Long Single, King Single, Long King Single, Extra Wide, Long Extra Wide, Double, Long Double, Queen, Long Queen, King, Long King, Split Queen, Long Split Queen


1980 x 880 x 215, 2030 x 880 x 215, 1980 x 1050 x 215, 2030 x 1050 x 215, 1980 x 1150 x 215, 2030 x 1150 x 215, 1980 x 1350 x 215, 2030 x 1350 x 215, 1980 x 1530 x 215, 2030 x 1530 x 215, 1980 x 1850 x 215, 2030 x 1850 x 215, 1980 x 760 x 215, 2030 x 760 x 215